Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello to Spaghetti Sponges!!!

I am all over this new product called Spaghetti Sponges! They were created in Japan and you can purchase them for around $8 which I know is a steep price for a sponge, but here's why they are worth the investment.

1) They last for MONTHS!
2) They do not require you to use any liquid soap!
3) They don't rust or have any gross odors because they dry really quickly after use.
4) No bacteria & mold on them, unlike regular sponges.
5) Save money and the environment.
6) They are super cool- made of peach pits and corn!
7) You can use them to peel skin of vegetables! (The Coarse sponge- made of corn)

To save you the time, I have scouted out a few places to purchase these cool spaghetti sponges. They seem to come 2 in a pak, which mades them about $4.50 a sponge. You can go with the original spaghetti sponge made of corn, or go with the gentler spaghetti sponge which is made of peach pits. Personally, I am really excited to try peeling my vegetables with one of them, cause that peeler is a kitchen hazard and I always end up with scraped fingers.

Original Spaghetti Scrub - Coarse Made with Corn Cobs
Use for - General cleaning, removing stains from metal cookware, kettles, sinks, grills, and peeling the skin off of vegetables
Materials -Corn core powder, cotton, polyester

Original Spaghetti Scrub - Gentle Made with Peach Pits
Use for - General cleaning, removing stains from glass, wood, plastic, high quality nonstick pans, & any other surface prone to dull or scratch
Materials - Peach pit powder, cotton, polyester

$8.95 for a pack of two sponges, either type: VAT19

$8.50 for a pack of two sponges, either type:
Uncommon Goods:

And on top of being environmentally responsible, they are just so cool looking! Sorry old sponge, but your replacement is here!

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