Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dinner and a Movie

The Hartford Courant did a news story this week about the 25th anniversary of The Gilson Cafe and Cinema in Winsted, CT, and that made me start to reflect on how many independent cinemas used to exist within our state and had to close due to lack of business, competition by mega theatre chains, and the poor economy. It seems to me that the resounding success of this theatre comes from it's incorporating a full bar and dinner menu for their patrons, a thrilling idea break from stale popcorn, candy and sodas. 

Any theatre that can offer me "Pate' and Brie~ A presentation of duck liver mousse pate' made with plum wine, a wedge of soft brie cheese accompanied with slices of bread. $5.95" and a bottle of wine with my movie, is the kind of place that I want to be! And if you don't feel like being so upscale, they also offer a smattering of delicious sounding salads, sandwiches, pastas and additional appetizers. I checked out their website today too and saw that they have Mexican food too being offered by "Padres Place" which looks quite tasty, and inexpensive.

1) Movies run $7.50 (a bargain considering I paid close to $10.00 last time I went to a movie). 2) The popcorn has REAL butter on it. 3) Doors open at 6pm. 4) Closed on Mondays. 5) Reservations required for Fridays and Saturdays...so plan ahead! 

Check out their website for more info: http://www.gilsoncafecinema.com/index2.htm

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